FSN basic training course

FSN basic training course
FSN basic training course consists of two parts. First, register and complete online FSN theory learning. Pass the test after completion and a certificate of completion will be issued. Next step is the practical training in clinic. Students will be divided into several small groups and practical training will be accomplished in FSNAC authorized teaching clinics in Greater Vancouver. Everyone that has completed two-part FSN basic training course is able to practice FSN treatment independently for common indications of FSN.
Those who have completed the basic training course are eligible to join FSNAC and get discount when order FSN needles.
Registration Method
E-transfer the training fee to info@cafsn.com. Leave your full name (for printing certificate of completion), phone number, Email (gmail recommended for receiving the online learning link. Make sure the email has course links is not sent to spam folder), and which language you prefer (Chinese or English) in the message.
The videos you receive are for your personal learning only, and may not be recorded, disclosed or used for commercial purposes. Your registration for this course indicates that you accept this statement. Violators will be prosecuted.